2025 Bible Reading Plan
The pastors of Princeton Christian Church would like to encourage each brother and sister to join us in reading through the Bible in 2025. While reading the entire Bible in a year seems hard, the rewards are great. Reading and knowing your Bible more intimately this year will deepen your understanding of who God is. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Ps 119:105).
We again recommend the "Five Day Bible Reading Program" from fivedaybiblereading.com this year. It will take you through the entire Bible in one year. What makes this plan unique is that it requires only five days a week, with the remaining two for catching up on missed readings or time for your own Bible study. There is no app for this plan, so it would be good to print out the 2025 schedule (the PDF file below) and keep it in your Bible, copies are available in the lobby.
When reading through this plan, a participant may choose the following options (using Week #1 as an example):
Read everything, completing the OT and NT in 2025.
Read just the OT (Gen 1-15; Psalms 19, 104, 148).
Read just the NT (Mark 1-5).
Read the NT and Psalms (Mark 1-5; Psalms 19, 104, 148).
If you have never read through the Bible, starting with Options 3 or 4 is a great place to start! For those more experienced with reading through the Bible, choose option one, but choose a different version this year.
If you prefer utilizing a Bible app, the M'Cheyne Bible Plan is another great alternative that can be found for your mobile device!
Grace and Peace,
Pastors Li, Ian, and Dave